Dream weaver…dream catchers with natural materials

I am always trying to come up with new project ideas that will delight my Horticultural Therapy clients. I recently was at a farmers market where an artisan was selling huge dreamcatcher wall hangings made from recycled hula hoops…gave me the inspiration to bring this type creation to my practice with a more natural twistdream catcher sampler

Here the are the supplies I utilized, to create an all natural dream catcher aka sacred hoop.

First separate the hoops from each other



then start by tying  jute twine to the hoop and wrapping around the circle being sure to keep the string tight. Continue with more strings if desired.



String the materials to hang as tails for the bottom

weave in nature pieces, leaves, straw etc.naturalpods dream catcher

finish by tying string to the top to hang your creation 

I decided to not provide any adhesive to put the materials on the hoop, instead having everyone creatively weave and tie things ….One of my clients commented, “I could really use some scotch tape”.. that comment made the group chuckle.

It was a successful program


Thinking that if I do this project with my preschool groups, I probably have the preschoolers  go outside and gather all the materials they will use.
